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The purpose of the forum was to improve the relationship between the stakeholders for proper project implementation.

The training took place between 26th April, 2010 to 28th April, 2010 at Tokuns International Ltd, Kaduna. It was well attended. A total of eleven (11) participants from Katsina, Eboyin, Asaba, Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bayelsa, and Enugun were in the three days programme.

The outcome of the training was very encouraging.

This is what some of the participant have to say about the software and training facilities:

…flexible Accounting 2000+ is very okay – It is working correctly. Tokuns’ Consultants have reasonable control one package and they delivers promptly…as for the training session…well designed to enhance the understanding of the package.

Okeh Frank C. HPFMU - Enugun

Training for FADAMA III Project Accountants
The first round of training in 2010 for FADAMA III Project Accountants had been concluded. Only eight (8) states participated in the workshop. The states are:
Benue, Cross River, Enugu, Niger, Kwara, Kogi, Gombe, and Nasarawa.


The venue of the training was the Board Room of Tokuns International Ltd, The training took place from 25th to 28th of January, 2010.

This is what some of the participants have to say about the Software and Training Facilities:

...the software is very good, developed and tailored to the needs of users...the training pattern is good with emphasis on practical ilustration...there is a great improvement on FADAMA III package. It is suphisticated and easy to use compared with the first package..."KUDOS"!

Alizi Yusuf Wasuku (Head PFMU, Nasarawa State)

...the software is very interesting and very realistic. And for the training...the training is highly commendable. The consultant is GOOD!...

Efio-Ita Efiom Ekpe (Project Internal Auditor, Cross River State)

...Easy, as everything has been brought to user’s level, experts and biginners understands to a great level. The Software is good for everybody...I was able to generate my report well!!!...

Afolaranmi Tajudeen (Assistant Project Accountant, Kwara State)

...I find it a pleasure to be a participant of this training, it enhance my performance and I pray for such training inn the feature...

Linus Omini Akama (Finance Officer, Cross River State)

...the consultant is sound in approach...lecture method,quite appreciative..

T.O Attah (Project Accountant, Kogi State)

The outcome of the training was also encouraging.More states are expected to attend the next round of training which is comming soon.


NPFS Training

The National Porgramme for Food Security (NPFS) of the Federal Department of Agriculture, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Nigeria, has concluded training of NPFS accountants in the Agriculture Development Programmes (ADPs) on the use of Flexible Accounting for financial management reporting. The training took place in Kaduna during the last week of September, 2009.

The training was in two batches and well attended. A total of 75 participants from the Nigeria ADPs attended the one-week practical training session.

The outcome of the training was very encouraging.

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